Newborn Essentials

Friday, February 8, 2019
We wanted to share some of our favorite newborn essentials with you! We'll share what it is and why we love it. Here goes...

Henry's Birth Story

Wednesday, February 28, 2018
There's nothing like celebrating the second birthday of your baby to make you realize the reality that there is no better time than now to capture our memories from his birth. I can hardly remember what we did last week so before these memories fade

It was just a regular Saturday at our house. I'm sure some kind of sporting event was on TV and I  was probably working on my computer. I looked at the calendar and realized that with just a little over five weeks until Baby's due date and visitors each weekend until then we should go out to dinner for maybe the last time just the two of us. After the usual "What are you hungry for?" conversation where neither of us can make a decision we decide on a local Japanese restaurant. I hadn't had sushi --not even the cooked kind--the entire pregnancy and had texted a group of mom friends before we left to assure myself that eating cooked sushi was perfectly okay. I put a few things away in Baby's nursery, snapped this photo, and we left for dinner. 

We were seated at our original booth and since we already knew what we would be ordering immediately started talking about all the things we needed to do before Baby arrives. We still hadn't packed the hospital bag, installed the car seat, ordered a breast pump, didn't have sheets for the crib,  the list could go on and on. We ordered an appetizer and water for me and a beer for Jason. Not a minute after the appetizer was placed in front of my hungry pregnant self did I feel what I can only describe as a punch from the inside and it became apparent that my water had broken. Thinking that surely that couldn't be the case so many weeks before my due date I went to the bathroom. Nope, it was for sure my water. I waddled over to the hostess, told her that my water had broken and we quickly went home. We had no plan for the dogs, no bags packed, and our hospital was over 70 miles away. Jason called two friends who he worked with and asked them to come and hang with the dogs for the rest of the weekend. Meanwhile, I frantically called a friend beginning the conversation with, "If you only had 5 minutes to pack a hospital bag, what would you pack?" 

We got in Jason's car and started the 70 mile trip to the hospital. I'll finish the story tomorrow. 

   Jason and I did our usual, "What do you feel like eating?" "Whatever. What do you feel like eating?" and decided on 

New House [Before]

Tuesday, February 20, 2018
The day we closed on our new house I snuck in to grab some before photos. While the house would be a work in progress for quite a while, I wanted to take some photos before we moved our belongings in and the the toddler and dogs had a chance to make a mess of it. Here's what it looked like before--the blank slate, if you will. As we furnish and decorate each space, I'll post the before and after photos for comparison.

The Kitchen

The Dining Room

The Entryway

Hallway to Laundry Room and Bedroom A

Downstairs Bathroom

Bedroom A 

Bedroom C

Upstairs Loft

Upstairs Bath 

Bedroom B


The Living Room 

The Master Suite

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